The Hidden Member Of Periodic Table: The “Element Zero”

Chemistry has a total of 118 known elements in the periodic table. Most of the elements after atomic number 90 is artificial or man-made elements. The numbering of elements in periodic table is done by the number of protons present in the nucleus of a particular atom. For example, Hydrogen has one proton in the nucleus so its atomic number is 1, Helium has two protons in the nucleus thus its atomic number is 2 and so on.

The interesting thing is that the nucleus of an element not only contains protons but also neutrons. But according to the convention, the atomic number is measured as the number of protons present in a particular nucleus. So what will be the atomic number of an element which contain no proton but neutron?

The element zero is called ‘neutronium’ or ‘Neutrium’. The word neutronium is first suggested by Scientist Andreas von Antropoff in 1926, before the discovery of Neutron. Neutronium is found in the dense core of the Neutron Stars. The ‘element zero’ is a hot topic of research for the astrophysicist to solve the mysteries of many astronomical phenomenons. 

Thanks For Reading. 🙂

4 thoughts on “The Hidden Member Of Periodic Table: The “Element Zero”

  1. Nice, I never thought about Neutrons as their own element. If a neutron has an electron, it will be negatively charged. Neutrons do exist on their own too from radioactive decay, before degenerating or colliding. (Neutron stars?)

    • Neutron, Electron, Protons are different fundamental particles having zero, negative and positive charges respectively. Protons and Neutrons constitute nucleus. But in neutrium, electrons don’t circle around nucleus as there is no electrons in it.

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